The official language of Azerbaijan
The official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, a member of the Oghuz subdivision of the Turkic language family, and is spoken by around 95% of the republic populationThe official language of Azerbaija
n is Azerbaijani, a member of the Oghuz subdivision of the Turkic language family, and is spoken by around 95% of the republic populationThe official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, a member of the Oghuz subdivision of the Turkic language family, and is s
poken by around 95% of the republic populationThe official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, a member of the Oghuz subdivision of the Turkic language family, and is spoken by around 95% of the republic populationThe official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, a member of the Oghuz subdivision of the Turkic language family, and is spoken by around 95% of the republic population
2008-11-23 - The official language of Azerbaijan